Peer Review Process

OJS Editorial and Publishing Process

Jurnal Hukum Nusantara implements a rigorous and objective peer review process to ensure that published articles meet academic standards and make a significant contribution to legal science. This process is designed to maintain the quality and integrity of each published manuscript, as well as provide constructive feedback to authors.
1. Manuscript Submission
Once a manuscript is submitted through the journal's online submission system, it will undergo an initial review by the editorial team to ensure that it is in line with the journal's focus and scope, and adheres to the established writing guidelines.
2. Plagiarism Checking
All manuscripts that pass the initial screening will be checked using plagiarism detection software. Manuscripts detected to contain plagiarism will be rejected and the authors will be notified.
3. Peer Review Process
- Type of Review: Jurnal Hukum Nusantara uses a double-blind peer review model, where the identity of the authors and reviewers are kept confidential. This is done to maintain objectivity and avoid bias in the assessment process.
- Reviewer Assignment: The editor will appoint one to three reviewers who have expertise in the topic area of the submitted manuscript. The appointed reviewers are academics, practitioners, or legal experts who have a reputation in their fields.
- Reviewer Evaluation: Reviewers will assess the manuscript based on a number of criteria, including originality of research, contribution to the field of law, validity of methodology, clarity of presentation, and adherence to publication ethics. Reviewers are expected to provide constructive feedback to help authors improve the quality of their manuscripts.
4. Editor's Decision
Based on the reports and recommendations of the reviewers, the editor will make one of the following decisions:
- Accepted Without Revision: The manuscript is accepted without changes or with minor changes that do not require review.
- Accepted with Revisions: Authors are asked to make revisions to the manuscript based on the suggestions and criticisms of the reviewers. The revised manuscript will be reviewed by the editor or reviewers.
- Major Revisions: Authors must make substantial revisions before the manuscript can be reconsidered for publication. Once the revisions are complete, the manuscript will be sent back to the reviewers for re-evaluation.
- Rejected: The manuscript does not meet the journal standards and is not recommended for publication.
5. Revision Process
Authors who are asked to make revisions should resubmit the revised manuscript along with a note detailing the changes that have been made based on the feedback from the reviewers. These revisions should be completed within the time specified by the editor.
6. Finalization and Proofreading
Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, it will go through a final editing and proofreading process to ensure that it is free from typographical errors and conforms to the journal format. Authors will be given the opportunity to review and approve the final version of the manuscript before publication.
7. Publication
Manuscripts that have passed all stages will be scheduled for publication in a future issue of Jurnal Hukum Nusantara. Published articles will be available online with open access, allowing research results to be accessed by a global audience.
By implementing this transparent and rigorous peer review process, Jurnal Hukum Nusantara aims to publish excellent and relevant research, and maintain the trust and integrity of the scientific community. Authors are expected to be cooperative and responsive throughout this process to ensure that the final results meet the high standards of publication.